In many companies, especially "credit cards", users typically earn points for every purchase made in different places associated with Visa or Mastecard, for example. Apple in its attempt to reach the corporate sector has been associated with Visa and Barclay for users to receive points that can be exchanged for real money.
The program will also function as a system of "negotiation" for the purchase of new Apple products. That is, the points will be changed to reduce the cost when buying a product that the user wants.
You will earn three points for every $ 1 purchase on iTunes or Apple stores, two points for every $ 1 in restaurants and one point for every $ 1 elsewhere. 2,500 points will be equal to a $ 25 gift card from Apple.
It is expected that the card will also work with Apple Pay because it is the partner company with Barclay and Visa. If you live in USA and want to know how the card works, you can go to the Apple website directly for more details.
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